Romans, Part 40

So I ask, Paul continued, God has not rejected his people, has he?  Absolutely not!  For I too am an Israelite, a descendant of Abraham, from the tribe of Benjamin.  God has not rejected his people whom he foreknew (προέγνω, a form of προγινώσκω)![1]  The word προέγνω leads me directly back to Romans 8:28-30 (NET):

And we know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose, because those whom he foreknew (προέγνω, a form of προγινώσκω) he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.  And those he predestined, he also called; and those he called, he also justified; and those he justified, he also glorified.

Do you not know (οἴδατε, a form of εἴδω; literally see) what the scripture says about Elijah, Paul continued, how he pleads (ἐντυγχάνει, a form of ἐντυγχάνω) with God against Israel?  “Lord, they have killed your prophets, they have demolished your altars; I alone am left and they are seeking my life![4]  To plead against is certainly a valid translation.  But to fully appreciate Paul’s sarcasm I think I must revisit the other two times he used ἐντυγχάνει in Romans, as well as the story when the Lord determined that Elisha would replace Elijah as prophet.

The Spirit helps us in our weakness, Paul wrote, for we do not know how we should pray, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with inexpressible groanings.  And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes (ἐντυγχάνει, a form of ἐντυγχάνω) on behalf of the saints according to God’s will.[5]  And, Who will bring any charge against God’s elect?  It is God who justifies.  Who is the one who will condemn?  Christ is the one who died (and more than that, he was raised), who is at the right hand of God, and who also is interceding (ἐντυγχάνει, a form of ἐντυγχάνω) for us.[6]  So I begin to see the contrast that Elijah sounded more like an accuser than an intercessor, Lord, they have killed your prophets, they have demolished your altars; I alone am left and they are seeking my life!

The Lord strengthened and helped Elijah flee from Jezebel for forty days.  But after he had spent the night in a cave at Horeb, the Lord spoke to him, “Why are you here, Elijah?”[7]  I have been absolutely loyal to the Lord, the sovereign God, Elijah answered, even though the Israelites have abandoned the agreement they made with you, torn down your altars, and killed your prophets with the sword.  I alone am left and now they want to take my life.[8]

After a demonstration where Elijah saw that the Lord was not in a mighty wind, an earthquake, or a fire, but a soft whisper,[9] He gave him another chance to answer the same question, Why are you here, Elijah?[10]  But Elijah gave exactly the same answer.  So Elijah’s prophetic ministry was close to its end, at least for the time being.  Go back the way you came and then head for the Desert of Damascus, the Lord told him. Go and anoint Hazael king over Syria.  You must anoint Jehu son of Nimshi king over Israel, and Elisha son of Shaphat from Abel Meholah to take your place as prophet.[11]

He doesn’t seem to be angry with Elijah.  The Lord simply recognized that Elijah had reached the end of that measure of faith He had distributed to him: For by the grace given to me, Paul wrote the Romans, I say to every one of you not to think more highly of yourself than you ought to think, but to think with sober discernment, as God has distributed to each of you a measure of faith.[12]

Elijah thought he had performed the ultimate empirical test before all Israel, proving once and for all, The Lord is the true God![13]  He didn’t understand that, faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God,[14] the soft whisper rather than the cacophony of wind, earthquake or fire.  But the Lord said to him, I still have left in Israel seven thousand followers who have not bowed their knees to Baal or kissed the images of him.[15]

But what was the divine response to [Elijah]? Paul continued in Romans, “I have kept for myself seven thousand people who have not bent the knee to Baal.”  So in the same way at the present time there is a remnant chosen (ἐκλογὴν, a form of ἐκλογή) by grace.  And if it is by grace, it is no longer by works, otherwise grace would no longer be grace.[17]  Earlier Paul wrote, when Rebekah had conceived children by one man, our ancestor Isaac – even before they were born or had done anything good or bad (so that God’s purpose in election [ἐκλογὴν, a form of ἐκλογή] would stand, not by works but by his calling [καλοῦντος, a form of καλέω] – it was said to her,The older will serve the younger,” just as it is written:Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.”[19]

The word translated calling above, καλοῦντος in Greek, is a form of καλέω, as is ἐκάλεσεν translated called in, And those he predestined, he also called (ἐκάλεσεν, another form of καλέω); and those he called (ἐκάλεσεν, another form of καλέω), he also justified; and those he justified, he also glorified.[20]  And Paul described God as the One who makes the dead alive and summons (καλοῦντος, a form of καλέω) the things that do not yet exist as though they already do.[21]

What then? Paul continued.  Israel failed to obtain what it was diligently seeking, but the elect (ἐκλογὴ; i.e., ἐκλογὴν χάριτος, those chosen by grace) obtained it.  The rest were hardened, as it is written, “God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes that would not see and ears that would not hear, to this very day.”  And David says, “Let their table become a snare and trap, a stumbling block and a retribution for them; let their eyes be darkened so that they may not see, and make their backs bend continually.”[22]

But why?  Why would God do this to his chosen people?  For this is what the Lord has commanded us, Paul and Barnabas said in Pisidian Antioch, “I have appointed you to be a light for the Gentiles, to bring salvation to the ends of the earth.[23]  And to the Romans Paul wrote, I ask then, they did not stumble into an irrevocable fall, did they?  Absolutely not!  But by their transgression salvation has come to the Gentiles, to make Israel jealous.[24]

Even in Acts Luke made it plain, When the Gentiles [in Pisidian Antioch] heard this, they began to rejoice and praise the word of the Lord, and all who had been appointed (τεταγμένοι, a form of τάσσω) for eternal life believed.[26]  This knowledge that God calls people to salvation “in a certain order” should fill one with hope.  Now if [Israel’s] transgression means riches for the world, Paul continued, and their defeat means riches for the Gentiles, how much more will their full restoration (πλήρωμα) bring?[28]

No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, Jesus said, because the patch (πλήρωμα, or filling) will pull away from the garment and the tear will be worse.  And no one pours new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the skins burst and the wine is spilled out and the skins are destroyed.  Instead they put new wine into new wineskins and both are preserved.[29]  This was Jesus’ answer to a question asked by John the Baptist’s disciples, why Jesus’ disciples did not adhere to their religious norms, and those of the Pharisees.

[1] Romans 11:1, 2a (NET)

[4] Romans 11:2b, 3 (NET)

[5] Romans 8:26, 27 (NET)

[6] Romans 8:33, 34 (NET) Table

[7] 1 Kings 19:9 (NET)

[8] 1 Kings 19:10 (NET)

[9] 1 Kings 19:12 (NET)

[10] 1 Kings 19:13 (NET)

[11] 1 Kings 19:15, 16 (NET)

[12] Romans 12:3 (NET)

[13] 1 Kings 18:39 (NET)

[14] Romans 10:17 (NKJV)

[15] 1 Kings 19:18 (NET)

[17] Romans 11:4-6 (NET)

[19] Romans 9:10-13 (NET)

[20] Romans 8:30 (NET)

[21] Romans 4:17b (NET)

[22] Romans 11:7-10 (NET)

[23] Acts 13:47 (NET)

[24] Romans 11:11 (NET)

[26] Acts 13:48 (NET)

[28] Romans 11:12 (NET)

[29] Matthew 9:16, 17 (NET)

Romans, Part 39

Paul wrote that the Lord richly blesses all who call (ἐπικαλουμένους, a form of ἐπικαλέομαι)[1] on him.[2]  When he was sent by the Lord to Paul (then called Saul) Ananias said, Lord, I have heard from many people about this man, how much harm he has done to your saints in Jerusalem, and here he has authority from the chief priests to imprison all who call on (ἐπικαλουμένους, a form of ἐπικαλέομαι) your name![3]  As Paul [Saul] began to proclaim Jesus in the synagogues, saying, “This man is the Son of God (υἱὸς τοῦ θεοῦ).”  All who heard him were amazed and were saying, “Is this not the man who in Jerusalem was ravaging those who call on (ἐπικαλουμένους, a form of ἐπικαλέομαι) this name, and who had come here to bring them as prisoners to the chief priests?”[4]

For everyone who calls (ἐπικαλέσηται, another form of ἐπικαλέομαι) on the name of the Lord will be saved,[5] Paul continued in Romans, quoting the same verse from the prophet Joel that Peter quoted in his first sermon on Pentecost.[6]  Then he asked a series of rhetorical questions:  How are they to call on (ἐπικαλέσωνται, another form of ἐπικαλέομαι) one they have not believed in (ἐπίστευσαν, a form of πιστεύω)?[7]  And how are they to believe (πιστεύσωσιν, another form of πιστεύω) in one they have not heard of (ἤκουσαν, a form of ἀκούω)?[8]  And how are they to hear (ἀκούσωσιν, another form of ἀκούω) without someone preaching (κηρύσσοντος, a form of κηρύσσω)[9] to them?  And how are they to preach (κηρύξωσιν, another form of κηρύσσω) unless they are sent (ἀποσταλῶσιν, a form of ἀποστέλλω)?[10]

To put this back into temporal order: 1) The Lord sent Apostles to preach.  2) The Apostles preached to those who heard.  3) Those who heard believed.  4) Those who believed called on the name of the Lord.  5) [E]veryone who calls (ἐπικαλέσηται, another form of ἐπικαλέομαι) on the name of the Lord will be saved.  Then Paul capped off this section with what has always sounded to me like a eulogy of the Apostles’ feet, but the NET translators cracked the idiom and present it as a eulogy of God’s timing: How timely is the arrival of those who proclaim the good news.[11]   But I think to really grasp what Paul was wrestling with I have to add another step, his assumption that 6) all Israel will be saved, as it is written[12]

But not all have obeyed (ὑπήκουσαν, a form of ὑπακούω)[13] the good news,[14] Paul continued.    To translate ὑπήκουσαν obeyed here, disrupts the obvious flow of Paul’s thought.  Paul referred back to step 3) above, And how are they to believe (πιστεύσωσιν, another form of πιστεύω) in one they have not heard of (ἤκουσαν, a form of ἀκούω)?  Here are the possible definitions of ὑπήκουσαν in the NET online Bible: “1) to listen, to harken 1a) of one who on the knock at the door comes to listen who it is, (the duty of a porter) 2) to harken to a command 2a) to obey, be obedient to, submit to.”  I think Paul deliberately equated ὑπήκουσαν with ἤκουσαν.  But not all have [listened to] the good news, for Isaiah says,Lord, who has believed (ἐπίστευσεν, another form of πιστεύω) our report (ἀκοῇ, a form of ἀκοή)?”[15]

Consequently faith (πίστις)[16] comes from what is heard (ἀκοῆς, another form of ἀκοὴ), Paul continued, and what is heard (ἀκοὴ) comes through the…word (ρήματος, a form of ῥῆμα)[17] of Christ.[18]  I deliberately left out the word preached (preached word of Christ) because as I said elsewhere I believe that Paul meant something like what is heard comes through the word (or, utterance) of Christ (or, God).  The note in the NET reads: “The genitive could be understood as either subjective (‘Christ does the speaking’) or objective (‘Christ is spoken about’), but the latter is more likely here.”  And I am contending, more likely to whom? to Paul?

Two men heard the same Gospel preached by the same Apostle.  The πόρνος[19] believed.  The Pharisee did not.  It is common to assume that the difference was something intrinsic to the believer, some wisdom, some virtue.  After all we call the believer good and the unbeliever evil.  The good believe and are saved.  The evil do not believe and are not saved.  But Paul knew that he was not looking for Christ when he was arrested on the road to Damascus.  Christ’s salvation was what happened to him while he was busy making other plans.[20]

I don’t think Paul was looking to the human individual for a reason why some believe and some do not, but to God.  I think Paul wrote that faith comes from what is heard, the Gospel he preached, and what is heard comes through the…word of Christ, that is Christ (or God) saying something like, “hear…now.”  Perhaps this becomes clearer in the negative in the next chapter when Paul wrote about a remnant chosen by grace:[21]  The rest were hardened, as it is written, “God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes that would not see and ears that would not hear, to this very day.”[22]

The first thing that came to my mind when I began to hear Paul that way was, “Why does [God] still find fault?  For who has ever resisted his will?”[23]  Of course, Paul already knew my objection and countered it in the previous chapter (Romans 9:20-23 NET):

But who indeed are you – a mere human being – to talk back to God?  Does what is molded say to the molder, Why have you made me like this?” Has the potter no right to make from the same lump of clay one vessel for special use and another for ordinary use?  But what if God, willing to demonstrate his wrath and to make known his power, has endured with much patience the objects of wrath prepared for destruction?  And what if he is willing to make known the wealth of his glory on the objects of mercy that he has prepared beforehand for glory…

But I ask, have they not heard (ἤκουσαν, a form of ἀκούω)?[24] Paul continued.  And his answer was, Yes, they have (μενοῦνγε),[25] in the sense that the message has gone out and they were “endowed with the faculty of hearing;” they were “not deaf.”  Their voice has gone out to all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world.[26]  But there are other meanings listed in the NET online Bible for ἤκουσαν:  “1) to be endowed with the faculty of hearing, not deaf 2) to hear 2b) to attend to, consider what is or has been said 2c) to understand, perceive the sense of what is said 3) to hear something 3a) to perceive by the ear what is announced in one’s presence 3b) to get by hearing learn 3c) a thing comes to one’s ears, to find out, learn 3d) to give ear to a teaching or a teacher 3e) to comprehend, to understand.”  I doubt that Paul meant definitions 2b) through 3e), with the possible exception of 3) and 3a).  What they lacked was that ρήματος Χριστοῦ (word of Christ)

But again I ask, didn’t Israel understand (ἔγνω, a form of γινώσκω)?[27]  First Moses says,I will make you jealous by those who are not a nation; with a senseless nation I will provoke you to anger.”  And Isaiah is even bold enough to say, I was found by those who did not seek me; I became well known to those who did not ask for me.”[28]  Here Paul allowed the expected negative response to his question to stand, and reinforced his first question:  Yes, they were told what to expect by Moses and Isaiah, but no, they did not understand the messageFor ignoring (ἀγνοοῦντες, a form of ἀγνοέω;[29] literally, being ignorant of) the righteousness that comes from God, and seeking instead to establish their own righteousness, they did not submit to God’s righteousness.[30]

But about Israel [Isaiah] says, Paul concluded, “All day long I held out my hands to this disobedient (ἀπειθοῦντα, a form of ἀπειθέω)[31] and stubborn (ἀντιλέγοντα, a form of ἀντίλεγω)[32] people![33]  I’ll conclude this essay with the definitions from the NET online Bible.

ἀπειθοῦντα: “1) not to allow one’s self to be persuaded 1a) to refuse or withhold belief 1b) to refuse belief and obedience 2) not to comply with.”

ἀντιλέγοντα: “1) to speak against, gainsay, contradict 2) to oppose one’s self to one, decline to obey him, declare one’s self against him, refuse to have anything to do with him.”


[2] Romans 10:12b (NET)

[3] Acts 9:13, 14 (NET) Table

[4] Acts 9:20, 21 (NET)

[5] Romans 10:13 (NET)

[10] Romans 10:14, 15a (NET)

[11] Romans 10:15b (NET)

[12] Romans 11:26a (NET)

[14] Romans 10:16a (NET)

[15] Romans 10:16 (NET)

[18] Romans 10:17 (NET)

[22] Romans 11:7b, 8 (NET)

[23] Romans 9:19 (NET)

[24] Romans 10:18a (NET)

[25] NET Note: “Here the particle μενοῦνγε (menounge) is correcting the negative response expected by the particle μή (mh) in the preceding question. Since the question has been translated positively, the translation was changed here to reflect that rendering.”

[26] Romans 10:18b (NET)

[28] Romans 10:19, 20 (NET) Table

[30] Romans 10:3 (NET)

[33] Romans 10:21 (NET)

Romans, Part 13

Therefore what advantage (περισσὸν, a form of περισσός) does the Jew have,1 Paul asked.  The word translated advantage (περισσὸν) is also found in Jesus’ saying, I have come so that they may have life, and may have it abundantly (περισσὸν, a form of περισσός).2  Paul continued, or what is the value (ὠφέλεια) of circumcision?3  The Greek word ὠφέλεια was only used here and once more negatively by Jude (ὠφελείας, a form of ὠφέλεια; for their own gain), but it comes from ὠφέλιμος.

For “physical exercise has some value (ὠφέλιμος),” Paul wrote Timothy, “but godliness is valuable (ὠφέλιμος) in every way.  It holds promise for the present life and for the life to come.”4  Every scripture is inspired by God and useful (ὠφέλιμος) for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness [Table], that the person dedicated to God may be capable and equipped for every good work.5  To Titus Paul wrote, This saying is trustworthy, and I want you to insist on such truths, so that those who have placed their faith in God6 may be intent on engaging in good works.  These things are good7 and beneficial (ὠφέλιμα, a form of ὠφέλιμος) for all people.8

So again, there is a mini-Gospel lesson embedded in the words περισσός and ὠφέλιμος, waiting for anyone who wants to know what advantage (περισσὸν, a form of περισσός) Jews have or what the value (ὠφέλεια) of circumcision is.

Actually, there are many advantages (literally, “much in every way”).  First of all,9 the Jews were entrusted (ἐπιστεύθησαν, a form of πιστεύω) with the oracles (λόγια, a form of λόγιον) of God.10  And in this they were faithful, the right people for the job—mission accomplished.  When I consider the wars and conquests, the captivities and apostasies, and how often it would have been easier and seemed more advantageous to lose or alter those words to make them more accommodating to the times, or at least a little more flattering to the people…I can only say, thank you.

Paul moved directly to another question, and let the advantages the Jews have and the value of circumcision drop.  He listed them later in a context where they might be missed.  To them belong the adoption as sons, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the temple worship, and the promises.  To them belong the patriarchs, and from them, by human descent, came the Christ, who is God over all, blessed forever!  Amen.11

What then? Paul continued.  If some did not believe (ἠπίστησαν, a form of ἀπιστέω), does their unbelief (ἀπιστία) nullify (καταργήσει, a form of καταργέω) the faithfulness (πίστιν, a form of πίστις) of God?12  Both ἀπιστέω and ἀπιστία are derived from ἄπιστος the negation of πιστός.  Both πιστός and πίστις are derived from πείθω, to convince by argument.  I’m laboring over the relationship of these words for faith and unbelief so that I can grasp what Paul was thinking.  Why would Paul even think that someone might think that the unbelief (ἀπιστία) of some people might nullify (καταργήσει, a form of καταργέω) the faithfulness (πίστιν, a form of πίστις) of God?

To review, Paul was convinced that Gentiles did not need to be circumcised.  He was content enough with the letter circulated after the Jerusalem Council to spread its teaching himself.  Then he went to Corinth.  In Corinth, hampered by his allegiance to James’ abbreviated version of the law, Paul called adultery, or a violation of Leviticus 18:8, πορνεία.13  It is evident later in Romans (Romans 9-11) that he was perplexed by the fact that God called the sexually immoral (πόρνοι, a form of πόρνος), idolaters, adulterers, passive homosexual partners, practicing homosexuals, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, the verbally abusive, and swindlers [Table]14 to faith and repentance, while so many of his own people rejected the very same Gospel message.

When Paul wrote faith comes by hearing,15 that understanding was coming right out of his experience and the meaning and derivation of the Greek word πίστις from πείθω:  Faith comes by hearing the argument (e.g., the Gospel presented as a reasoned discourse).  The NET translators have rendered it, faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the preached word of Christ [Table].16  There is apparently a manuscript dispute whether God or Christ is the older, more original, word.  Frankly, I don’t care about that at all.  The NET translators have focused on the content of the message in both clauses.  Faith comes from what is heard (i.e., the preached word of Christ) and what is heard comes through the preached word of Christ seems a bit redundant to me.  The content of the message is certainly extremely important, but I don’t think Paul was talking about content in the second clause.

I think the New King James translation is more to Paul’s point in its austerity.  So then faith comes by hearing (ἀκοῆς, a form of ἀκοή), and hearing (ἀκοὴ) by the word (ρήματος, a form of ῥῆμα) of God.17 This is the conclusion of an argument that began with a contrast of righteousness by law and righteousness by faith.  For Moses18 writes about the righteousness that is by the law:The one who does these things will live by them.”19  Paul quoted from the introduction to the Laws of Sexual Regulations in Leviticus 18:6-33.  You must not do as they do in the land of Egypt where you have been living, and you must not do as they do in the land of Canaan into which I am about to bring you; you must not walk in their statutes.  You must observe my regulations and you must be sure to walk in my statutes…anyone who does so will live by keeping them.20

Paul saw something different in Deuteronomy 30, the righteousness that is by faith.21  Deuteronomy 30 was written (and spoken) prophetically to people who have rebelled against the Lord, who have not kept his commandments and statutes (Deuteronomy 30:1-3a, 9b, 10).

When you have experienced all these things, both the blessings and the curses I have set before you, you will reflect upon them in all the nations where the Lord your God has banished you.  Then if you and your descendants turn to the Lord your God and obey him with your whole mind and being just as I am commanding you today, the Lord your God will reverse your captivity and have pity on you…For the Lord your God will once more rejoice over you to make you prosperous just as he rejoiced over your ancestors, if you obey the Lord your God and keep his commandments and statutes that are written in this scroll of the law.  But you must turn to him with your whole mind and being.

Paul wrote, But the righteousness that is by faith says: “Do not say in your heart, ‘Who will ascend into heaven?’” (that is, to bring Christ down) or “Who will descend into the abyss?” (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead).  But what does it say? “The word (ρῆμα, another form of ῥῆμα) is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word [ρῆμα, another form of ῥῆμα] of faith that we preach)…22

Paul knew he preached the same content to the Pharisee that he preached to the πόρνοι (a form of πόρνος) in Corinth.  In fact, if anyone was short changed it was the πόρνοι in Corinth, for Corinth is where Paul prejudged the people as too immature for wisdom.  But it was in Corinth that the πόρνοι believed the content of the message, and it was in Jerusalem and in synagogues throughout the Roman Empire where the Pharisees did not.  When Paul penned, faith comes by hearing (ἀκοῆς, a form of ἀκοή), and hearing (ἀκοὴ, another form of ἀκοή) by the word (ρήματος, a form of ῥῆμα) of God,23 he meant something like hearing comes by God (or Christ) uttering, “hear.”  That was the only explanation he had for the difference between the πόρνοι and the Pharisees.  And it was certainly his own experience on the Damascus road in a singularly dramatic fashion.

What then? Paul asked.  If some did not believe; namely, the Jews (for whom the content of the message was intended) because God or Christ had not yet uttered, “hear,” does their unbelief nullify the faithfulness of God?24  Suddenly the question is much more than a straw man.  How can I trust this God who would do this to his own people? or not do this for his own people, as the case may be?  But Paul reassured me that it does not nullify the faithfulness of God.  Absolutely not!  Let God be proven true, and every human being shown up as a liar, just as it is written:so that you will be justified (δικαιωθῇς, a form of δικαιόω) in your words (λόγοις, a form of λόγος) and will prevail when you are judged (κρίνεσθαι, a form of κρίνω).”25

Though I may never fully understand the sequencing of who-believes-when, I can accept that it has something to do with God being proven true, being justified in his words, and prevailing when He is judged.  And I’ve already seen some connection between this and all things working together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose,26 and its corollary, Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow.27


Addendum: February 11, 2021
A comparison of the Greek of Paul’s quotation of Leviticus 18:5 from the Septuagint follows

Romans 10:5b (NET Parallel Greek) Leviticus 18:5b (Septuagint BLB)

Leviticus 18:5b (Septuagint Elpenor)

ποιήσας |αὐτὰ| ἄνθρωπος ζήσεται ἐν |αὐτοῖς| ποιήσας ἄνθρωπος ζήσεται ἐν αὐτοῗς ἃ ποιήσας αὐτά ἄνθρωπος ζήσεται ἐν αὐτοῖς

Romans 10:5b (NET)

Leviticus 18:5b (NETS)

Leviticus 18:5b (English Elpenor)

The one who does these things will live by them. as for the things a person does, he shall live by them which if a man do, he shall live in them

A comparison of the Greek of Paul’s quotation from Deuteronomy 9:4 in the Septuagint follows:

Romans 10:6b (NET Parallel Greek)

Deuteronomy 9:4a (Septuagint BLB)

Deuteronomy 9:4a (Septuagint Elpenor)

μὴ εἴπῃς ἐν τῇ καρδίᾳ σου μὴ εἴπῃς ἐν τῇ καρδίᾳ σου μὴ εἴπῃς ἐν τῇ καρδίᾳ σου

Romans 10:6b (NET)

Deuteronomy 9:4a (NETS)

Deuteronomy 9:4a (English Elpenor)

Do not say in your heart, do not say in your heart, Speak not in thine heart,

It was perhaps a poignant historical reminder to those who knew the Scriptures, ‘For my righteousness HaShem hath brought me in to possess this land.’28

A comparison of the Greek of Paul’s quotation from Deuteronomy 30:12 in the Septuagint follows:

Romans 10:6c (NET Parallel Greek)

Deuteronomy 30:12b (Septuagint BLB)

Deuteronomy 30:12b (Septuagint Elpenor)

τίς ἀναβήσεται εἰς τὸν οὐρανόν τίς ἀναβήσεται ἡμῗν εἰς τὸν οὐρανὸν τίς ἀναβήσεται ἡμῖν εἰς τὸν οὐρανὸν

Romans 10:6c (NET)

Deuteronomy 30:12b (NETS)

Deuteronomy 30:12b (English Elpenor)

Who will ascend into heaven? Who will go up to the sky…for us? Who shall go up for us into heaven,

A comparison (mostly a contrast) of Paul’s “quotation” with Deuteronomy 30:13 in the Septuagint follows:

Romans 10:7a (NET Parallel Greek)

Deuteronomy 30:13b (Septuagint BLB)

Deuteronomy 30:13b (Septuagint Elpenor)

τίς καταβήσεται εἰς τὴν ἄβυσσον τίς διαπεράσει ἡμῗν εἰς τὸ πέραν τῆς θαλάσσης τίς διαπεράσει ἡμῖν εἰς τὸ πέραν τῆς θαλάσσης

Romans 10:7a (NET)

Deuteronomy 30:13b (NETS)

Deuteronomy 30:13b (English Elpenor)

Who will descend into the abyss? Who will cross to the other side of the sea for us Who will go over for us to the other side of the sea…for us

A comparison of the Greek of Paul’s quotation from Deuteronomy 30:14 in the Septuagint follows:

Romans 10:8b (NET Parallel Greek)

Deuteronomy 30:14a (Septuagint BLB)

Deuteronomy 30:14a (Septuagint Elpenor)

ἐγγύς σου τὸ ρῆμα ἐστιν ἐν τῷ στόματι σου καὶ ἐν τῇ καρδίᾳ σου ἔστιν σου ἐγγὺς τὸ ῥῆμα σφόδρα ἐν τῷ στόματί σου καὶ ἐν τῇ καρδίᾳ σου ἐγγύς σού ἐστι τὸ ρῆμα σφόδρα ἐν τῷ στόματί σου καὶ ἐν τῇ καρδίᾳ σου

Romans 10:8b (NET)

Deuteronomy 30:14a (NETS)

Deuteronomy 30:14a (English Elpenor)

The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart The word is very near to you, in your mouth and in your heart The word is very near thee, in thy mouth, and in thine heart

If Paul quoted from the Septuagint it may be worth noting that he stopped prior to καὶ ἐν ταῖς χερσί σου ποιεῖν αὐτό (and in thine hands to do it).

Tables comparing Leviticus 18:5; 18:3; 18:4; Deuteronomy 30:1; 30:2; 30:3; 30:9; 30:10; 9:4; 30:12; 30:13 and 30:14 in the Tanakh, KJV and NET, and comparing Leviticus 18:5; 18:3; 18:4; Deuteronomy 30:1; 30:2; 30:3; 30:9; 30:10; 9:4; 30:12; 30:13 and 30:14 in the Septuagint (BLB and Elpenor), and tables comparing Titus 3:8, Romans 3:2 and 10:5 in the NET and KJV follow.

Leviticus 18:5 (Tanakh)

Leviticus 18:5 (KJV)

Leviticus 18:5 (NET)

Ye shall therefore keep My statutes, and Mine ordinances, which if a man do, he shall live by them: I am HaShem. Ye shall therefore keep my statutes, and my judgments: which if a man do, he shall live in them: I am the LORD. So you must keep my statutes and my regulations; anyone who does so will live by keeping them.  I am the Lord.

Leviticus 18:5 (Septuagint BLB)

Leviticus 18:5 (Septuagint Elpenor)

καὶ φυλάξεσθε πάντα τὰ προστάγματά μου καὶ πάντα τὰ κρίματά μου καὶ ποιήσετε αὐτά ἃ ποιήσας ἄνθρωπος ζήσεται ἐν αὐτοῗς ἐγὼ κύριος ὁ θεὸς ὑμῶν καὶ φυλάξεσθε πάντα τὰ προστάγματά μου καὶ πάντα τὰ κρίματά μου καὶ ποιήσετε αὐτά, ἃ ποιήσας αὐτά ἄνθρωπος ζήσεται ἐν αὐτοῖς· ἐγὼ Κύριος ὁ Θεὸς ὑμῶν

Leviticus 18:5 (NETS)

Leviticus 18:5 (English Elpenor)

And you shall keep all my ordinances and all my judgments, and you shall do them; as for the things a person does, he shall live by them; I am the Lord your God. So ye shall keep all my ordinances, and all my judgments, and do them; which if a man do, he shall live in them: I [am] the Lord your God.

Leviticus 18:3 (Tanakh)

Leviticus 18:3 (KJV)

Leviticus 18:3 (NET)

After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein ye dwelt, shall ye not do; and after the doings of the land of Canaan, whither I bring you, shall ye not do; neither shall ye walk in their statutes. After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein ye dwelt, shall ye not do: and after the doings of the land of Canaan, whither I bring you, shall ye not do: neither shall ye walk in their ordinances. You must not do as they do in the land of Egypt where you have been living, and you must not do as they do in the land of Canaan into which I am about to bring you; you must not walk in their statutes.

Leviticus 18:3 (Septuagint BLB)

Leviticus 18:3 (Septuagint Elpenor)

κατὰ τὰ ἐπιτηδεύματα γῆς Αἰγύπτου ἐν ᾗ κατῳκήσατε ἐπ᾽ αὐτῇ οὐ ποιήσετε καὶ κατὰ τὰ ἐπιτηδεύματα γῆς Χανααν εἰς ἣν ἐγὼ εἰσάγω ὑμᾶς ἐκεῗ οὐ ποιήσετε καὶ τοῗς νομίμοις αὐτῶν οὐ πορεύσεσθε κατά τὰ ἐπιτηδεύματα Αἰγύπτου, ἐν ᾗ κατῳκήσατε ἐπ᾿ αὐτῇ, οὐ ποιήσετε καὶ κατὰ τὰ ἐπιτηδεύματα γῆς Χαναάν, εἰς ἣν ἐγὼ εἰσάγω ὑμᾶς ἐκεῖ, οὐ ποιήσετε καὶ τοῖς νομίμοις αὐτῶν οὐ πορεύσεσθε

Leviticus 18:3 (NETS)

Leviticus 18:3 (English Elpenor)

You shall not act according to the practices of the land of Egypt, wherein you lived, and you shall not act according to the practices of the land of Chanaan, there where I am bringing you, and you shall not live by their precepts. Ye shall not do according to the devices of Egypt, in which ye dwelt: and according to the devices of the land of Chanaan, into which I bring you, ye shall not do; and ye shall not walk in their ordinances.

Leviticus 18:4 (Tanakh)

Leviticus 18:4 (KJV)

Leviticus 18:4 (NET)

Mine ordinances shall ye do, and My statutes shall ye keep, to walk therein: I am HaShem your G-d. Ye shall do my judgments, and keep mine ordinances, to walk therein: I am the LORD your God. You must observe my regulations, and you must be sure to walk in my statutes. I am the Lord your God.

Leviticus 18:4 (Septuagint BLB)

Leviticus 18:4 (Septuagint Elpenor)

τὰ κρίματά μου ποιήσετε καὶ τὰ προστάγματά μου φυλάξεσθε πορεύεσθαι ἐν αὐτοῗς ἐγὼ κύριος ὁ θεὸς ὑμῶν τὰ κρίματά μου ποιήσετε καὶ τὰ προστάγματά μου φυλάξεσθε καὶ πορεύεσθε ἐν αὐτοῖς· ἐγὼ Κύριος ὁ Θεὸς ὑμῶν

Leviticus 18:4 (NETS)

Leviticus 18:4 (English Elpenor)

My judgments you shall perform, and my ordinances you shall keep, to walk by them; I am the Lord your God. Ye shall observe my judgments, and shall keep my ordinances, and shall walk in them: I [am] the Lord your God.

Deuteronomy 30:1 (Tanakh)

Deuteronomy 30:1 (KJV)

Deuteronomy 30:1 (NET)

And it shall come to pass, when all these things are come upon thee, the blessing and the curse, which I have set before thee, and thou shalt bethink thyself among all the nations, whither HaShem thy G-d hath driven thee, And it shall come to pass, when all these things are come upon thee, the blessing and the curse, which I have set before thee, and thou shalt call them to mind among all the nations, whither the LORD thy God hath driven thee, “When you have experienced all these things, both the blessings and the curses I have set before you, you will reflect upon them in all the nations where the Lord your God has banished you.

Deuteronomy 30:1 (Septuagint BLB)

Deuteronomy 30:1 (Septuagint Elpenor)

καὶ ἔσται ὡς ἂν ἔλθωσιν ἐπὶ σὲ πάντα τὰ ῥήματα ταῦτα ἡ εὐλογία καὶ ἡ κατάρα ἣν ἔδωκα πρὸ προσώπου σου καὶ δέξῃ εἰς τὴν καρδίαν σου ἐν πᾶσιν τοῗς ἔθνεσιν οὗ ἐάν σε διασκορπίσῃ κύριος ἐκεῗ ΚΑΙ ἔσται ὡς ἂν ἔλθωσιν ἐπὶ σὲ πάντα τὰ ῥήματα ταῦτα, ἡ εὐλογία καὶ ἡ κατάρα, ἣν ἔδωκα πρὸ προσώπου σου, καὶ δέξῃ εἰς τὴν καρδίαν σου ἐν πᾶσι τοῖς ἔθνεσιν, οὗ ἐὰν διασκορπίσῃ σε Κύριος ἐκεῖ,

Deuteronomy 30:1 (NETS)

Deuteronomy 30:1 (English Elpenor)

And it shall be, when all these words come upon you, the blessing and the curse that I gave before you, that you shall receive them into your heart among all the nations wherever the Lord may scatter you there, And it shall come to pass when all these things shall have come upon thee, the blessing and the curse, which I have set before thy face, and thou shalt call [them] to mind among all the nations, wherein the Lord shall have scattered thee,

Deuteronomy 30:2 (Tanakh)

Deuteronomy 30:2 (KJV)

Deuteronomy 30:2 (NET)

and shalt return unto HaShem thy G-d, and hearken to His voice according to all that I command thee this day, thou and thy children, with all thy heart, and with all thy soul; And shalt return unto the LORD thy God, and shalt obey his voice according to all that I command thee this day, thou and thy children, with all thine heart, and with all thy soul; Then if you and your descendants turn to the Lord your God and obey him with your whole mind and being just as I am commanding you today,

Deuteronomy 30:2 (Septuagint BLB)

Deuteronomy 30:2 (Septuagint Elpenor)

καὶ ἐπιστραφήσῃ ἐπὶ κύριον τὸν θεόν σου καὶ ὑπακούσῃ τῆς φωνῆς αὐτοῦ κατὰ πάντα ὅσα ἐγὼ ἐντέλλομαί σοι σήμερον ἐξ ὅλης τῆς καρδίας σου καὶ ἐξ ὅλης τῆς ψυχῆς σου καὶ ἐπιστραφήσῃ ἐπὶ Κύριον τὸν Θεόν σου καὶ εἰσακούσῃ τῆς φωνῆς αὐτοῦ κατὰ πάντα, ὅσα ἐγὼ ἐντέλλομαί σοι σήμερον, ἐξ ὅλης τῆς καρδίας σου, καὶ ἐξ ὅλης τῆς ψυχῆς σου

Deuteronomy 30:2 (NETS)

Deuteronomy 30:2 (English Elpenor)

and you shall return to the Lord your God and obey his voice regarding everything I command you today, with the whole of your heart and with the whole of your soul. and shalt return to the Lord thy God, and shalt hearken to his voice, according to all things which I charge thee this day, with all thy heart, and with all thy soul;

Deuteronomy 30:3 (Tanakh)

Deuteronomy 30:3 (KJV)

Deuteronomy 30:3 (NET)

that then HaShem thy G-d will turn thy captivity, and have compassion upon thee, and will return and gather thee from all the peoples, whither HaShem thy G-d hath scattered thee. That then the LORD thy God will turn thy captivity, and have compassion upon thee, and will return and gather thee from all the nations, whither the LORD thy God hath scattered thee. the Lord your God will reverse your captivity and have pity on you.  He will turn and gather you from all the peoples among whom he has scattered you.

Deuteronomy 30:3 (Septuagint BLB)

Deuteronomy 30:3 (Septuagint Elpenor)

καὶ ἰάσεται κύριος τὰς ἁμαρτίας σου καὶ ἐλεήσει σε καὶ πάλιν συνάξει σε ἐκ πάντων τῶν ἐθνῶν εἰς οὓς διεσκόρπισέν σε κύριος ἐκεῗ καὶ ἰάσεται Κύριος τὰς ἁμαρτίας σου καὶ ἐλεήσει σε καὶ πάλιν συνάξει σε ἐκ πάντων τῶν ἐθνῶν, εἰς οὓς διεσκόρπισέ σε Κύριος ἐκεῖ

Deuteronomy 30:3 (NETS)

Deuteronomy 30:3 (English Elpenor)

And the Lord will heal your sins and have mercy on you and gather you again from all the nations among whom the Lord has scattered you there. then the Lord shall heal thine iniquities, and shall pity thee, and shall again gather thee out from all the nations, among which the Lord has scattered thee.

Deuteronomy 30:9 (Tanakh)

Deuteronomy 30:9 (KJV)

Deuteronomy 30:9 (NET)

And HaShem thy G-d will make thee over-abundant in all the work of thy hand, in the fruit of thy body, and in the fruit of thy cattle, and in the fruit of thy land, for good; for HaShem will again rejoice over thee for good, as He rejoiced over thy fathers; And the LORD thy God will make thee plenteous in every work of thine hand, in the fruit of thy body, and in the fruit of thy cattle, and in the fruit of thy land, for good: for the LORD will again rejoice over thee for good, as he rejoiced over thy fathers: The Lord your God will make the labor of your hands abundantly successful and multiply your children, the offspring of your cattle, and the produce of your soil.  For the Lord will once more rejoice over you to make you prosperous just as he rejoiced over your ancestors,

Deuteronomy 30:9 (Septuagint BLB)

Deuteronomy 30:9 (Septuagint Elpenor)

καὶ πολυωρήσει σε κύριος ὁ θεός σου ἐν παντὶ ἔργῳ τῶν χειρῶν σου ἐν τοῗς ἐκγόνοις τῆς κοιλίας σου καὶ ἐν τοῗς γενήμασιν τῆς γῆς σου καὶ ἐν τοῗς ἐκγόνοις τῶν κτηνῶν σου ὅτι ἐπιστρέψει κύριος ὁ θεός σου εὐφρανθῆναι ἐπὶ σὲ εἰς ἀγαθά καθότι ηὐφράνθη ἐπὶ τοῗς πατράσιν σου καὶ πολυωρήσει σε Κύριος ὁ Θεός σου ἐν παντὶ ἔργῳ τῶν χειρῶν σου, ἐν τοῖς ἐκγόνοις τῆς κοιλίας σου καὶ ἐν τοῖς ἐκγόνοις τῶν κτηνῶν σου καὶ ἐν τοῖς γενήμασι τῆς γῆς σου· ὅτι ἐπιστρέψει Κύριος ὁ Θεός σου εὐφρανθῆναι ἐπὶ σοὶ εἰς ἀγαθά, καθότι εὐφράνθη ἐπὶ τοῖς πατράσι σου,

Deuteronomy 30:9 (NETS)

Deuteronomy 30:9 (English Elpenor)

and the Lord your God will treat you with care in every work of your hands, in the progeny of your belly and in the produce of your land and in the progeny of your livestock.  For the Lord your God will turn to be joyful toward you for good things, just as he was joyful over your fathers, And the Lord thy God shall bless thee in every work of thine hands, in the offspring of thy body, and in the offspring of thy cattle, and in the fruits of thy land, because the Lord thy God will again rejoice over thee for good, as he rejoiced over thy fathers:

Deuteronomy 30:10 (Tanakh)

Deuteronomy 30:10 (KJV)

Deuteronomy 30:10 (NET)

if thou shalt hearken to the voice of HaShem thy G-d, to keep His commandments and His statutes which are written in this book of the law; if thou turn unto HaShem thy G-d with all thy heart, and with all thy soul. If thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to keep his commandments and his statutes which are written in this book of the law, and if thou turn unto the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul. if you obey the Lord your God and keep his commandments and statutes that are written in this scroll of the law.  But you must turn to him with your whole mind and being.

Deuteronomy 30:10 (Septuagint BLB)

Deuteronomy 30:10 (Septuagint Elpenor)

ἐὰν εἰσακούσῃς τῆς φωνῆς κυρίου τοῦ θεοῦ σου φυλάσσεσθαι καὶ ποιεῗν πάσας τὰς ἐντολὰς αὐτοῦ καὶ τὰ δικαιώματα αὐτοῦ καὶ τὰς κρίσεις αὐτοῦ τὰς γεγραμμένας ἐν τῷ βιβλίῳ τοῦ νόμου τούτου ἐὰν ἐπιστραφῇς ἐπὶ κύριον τὸν θεόν σου ἐξ ὅλης τῆς καρδίας σου καὶ ἐξ ὅλης τῆς ψυχῆς σου ἐὰν εἰσακούσῃς τῆς φωνῆς Κυρίου τοῦ Θεοῦ σου, φυλάσσεσθαι τὰς ἐντολὰς αὐτοῦ καὶ τὰ δικαιώματα αὐτοῦ καὶ τὰς κρίσεις αὐτοῦ τὰς γεγραμμένας ἐν τῷ βιβλίῳ τοῦ νόμου τούτου, ἐὰν ἐπιστραφῇς ἐπὶ Κύριον τὸν Θεόν σου ἐξ ὅλης τῆς καρδίας σου καὶ ἐξ ὅλης τῆς ψυχῆς σου

Deuteronomy 30:10 (NETS)

Deuteronomy 30:10 (English Elpenor)

if you listen to the voice of the Lord your God, to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments that are written in the book of this law, if you turn to the Lord your God with the whole of your heart and with the whole of your soul, if thou wilt hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, to keep his commandments, and his ordinances, and his judgments written in the book of this law, if thou turn to the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul.

Deuteronomy 9:4 (Tanakh)

Deuteronomy 9:4 (KJV)

Deuteronomy 9:4 (NET)

Speak not thou in thy heart, after that HaShem thy G-d hath thrust them out from before thee, saying: ‘For my righteousness HaShem hath brought me in to possess this land’; whereas for the wickedness of these nations HaShem doth drive them out from before thee. Speak not thou in thine heart, after that the LORD thy God hath cast them out from before thee, saying, For my righteousness the LORD hath brought me in to possess this land: but for the wickedness of these nations the LORD doth drive them out from before thee. Do not think to yourself after the Lord your God has driven them out before you, “Because of my own righteousness the Lord has brought me here to possess this land.”  It is because of the wickedness of these nations that the Lord is driving them out ahead of you.

Deuteronomy 9:4 (Septuagint BLB)

Deuteronomy 9:4 (Septuagint Elpenor)

μὴ εἴπῃς ἐν τῇ καρδίᾳ σου ἐν τῷ ἐξαναλῶσαι κύριον τὸν θεόν σου τὰ ἔθνη ταῦτα ἀπὸ προσώπου σου λέγων διὰ τὰς δικαιοσύνας μου εἰσήγαγέν με κύριος κληρονομῆσαι τὴν γῆν τὴν ἀγαθὴν ταύτην ἀλλὰ διὰ τὴν ἀσέβειαν τῶν ἐθνῶν τούτων κύριος ἐξολεθρεύσει αὐτοὺς πρὸ προσώπου σου μὴ εἴπῃς ἐν τῇ καρδίᾳ σου ἐν τῷ ἐξαναλῶσαι Κύριον τὸν Θεόν σου τὰ ἔθνη ταῦτα πρὸ προσώπου σου λέγων· διὰ τὰς δικαιοσύνας μου εἰσήγαγέ με Κύριος κληρονομῆσαι τὴν γῆν τὴν ἀγαθὴν ταύτην

Deuteronomy 9:4 (NETS)

Deuteronomy 9:4 (English Elpenor)

When the Lord your God eliminates these nations before you, do not say in your heart, saying: “It is because of my righteousness that the Lord has brought me in to inherit this good land,” but because of the impiety of these nations the Lord will destroy them utterly before you. Speak not in thine heart, when the Lord thy God has destroyed these nations before thy face, saying, For my righteousness the Lord brought me in to inherit this good land.

Deuteronomy 30:12 (Tanakh)

Deuteronomy 30:12 (KJV)

Deuteronomy 30:12 (NET)

It is not in heaven, that thou shouldest say: ‘Who shall go up for us to heaven, and bring it unto us, and make us to hear it, that we may do it?’ It is not in heaven, that thou shouldest say, Who shall go up for us to heaven, and bring it unto us, and make us to hear it, that we may do it? It is not in heaven, as though one must say, ‘Who will go up to heaven to get it for us and proclaim it to us so we may obey it?’

Deuteronomy 30:12 (Septuagint BLB)

Deuteronomy 30:12 (Septuagint Elpenor)

οὐκ ἐν τῷ οὐρανῷ ἄνω ἐστὶν λέγων τίς ἀναβήσεται ἡμῗν εἰς τὸν οὐρανὸν καὶ λήμψεται αὐτὴν ἡμῗν καὶ ἀκούσαντες αὐτὴν ποιήσομεν οὐκ ἐν τῷ οὐρανῷ ἄνω ἐστὶ λέγων· τίς ἀναβήσεται ἡμῖν εἰς τὸν οὐρανὸν καὶ λήψεται ἡμῖν αὐτήν, καὶ ἀκούσαντες αὐτὴν ποιήσομεν

Deuteronomy 30:12 (NETS)

Deuteronomy 30:12 (English Elpenor)

It is not up in the sky, saying, “Who will go up to the sky and get it for us?  And when we hear it, we shall do it.” It is not in heaven above, [as if there were one] saying, Who shall go up for us into heaven, and shall take it for us, and we will hear and do it?

Deuteronomy 30:13 (Tanakh)

Deuteronomy 30:13 (KJV)

Deuteronomy 30:13 (NET)

Neither is it beyond the sea, that thou shouldest say: ‘Who shall go over the sea for us, and bring it unto us, and make us to hear it, that we may do it?’ Neither is it beyond the sea, that thou shouldest say, Who shall go over the sea for us, and bring it unto us, that we may hear it, and do it? And it is not across the sea, as though one must say, ‘Who will cross over to the other side of the sea and get it for us and proclaim it to us so we may obey it?’

Deuteronomy 30:13 (Septuagint BLB)

Deuteronomy 30:13 (Septuagint Elpenor)

οὐδὲ πέραν τῆς θαλάσσης ἐστὶν λέγων τίς διαπεράσει ἡμῗν εἰς τὸ πέραν τῆς θαλάσσης καὶ λήμψεται ἡμῗν αὐτήν καὶ ἀκουστὴν ἡμῗν ποιήσει αὐτήν καὶ ποιήσομεν οὐδὲ πέραν τῆς θαλάσσης ἐστὶ λέγων· τίς διαπεράσει ἡμῖν εἰς τὸ πέραν τῆς θαλάσσης καὶ λήψεται ἡμῖν αὐτήν, καὶ ἀκουστὴν ἡμῖν ποιήσῃ αὐτήν, καὶ ποιήσομεν

Deuteronomy 30:13 (NETS)

Deuteronomy 30:13 (English Elpenor)

Neither is it beyond the sea, saying, “Who will cross to the other side of the sea for us and get it for us?  And when we hear it, we shall do it.” Neither is it beyond the sea, saying, Who will go over for us to the other side of the sea, and take it for us, and make it audible to us, and we will do it?

Deuteronomy 30:14 (Tanakh)

Deuteronomy 30:14 (KJV)

Deuteronomy 30:14 (NET)

But the word is very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth, and in thy heart, that thou mayest do it. But the word is very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth, and in thy heart, that thou mayest do it. For the thing is very near you—it is in your mouth and in your mind so that you can do it.

Deuteronomy 30:14 (Septuagint BLB)

Deuteronomy 30:14 (Septuagint Elpenor)

ἔστιν σου ἐγγὺς τὸ ῥῆμα σφόδρα ἐν τῷ στόματί σου καὶ ἐν τῇ καρδίᾳ σου καὶ ἐν ταῗς χερσίν σου αὐτὸ ποιεῗν ἐγγύς σού ἐστι τὸ ρῆμα σφόδρα ἐν τῷ στόματί σου καὶ ἐν τῇ καρδίᾳ σου καὶ ἐν ταῖς χερσί σου ποιεῖν αὐτό

Deuteronomy 30:14 (NETS)

Deuteronomy 30:14 (English Elpenor)

The word is very near to you, in your mouth and in your heart and in your hands, to do it. The word is very near thee, in thy mouth, and in thine heart, and in thine hands to do it.

Titus 3:8 (NET)

Titus 3:8 (KJV)

This saying is trustworthy, and I want you to insist on such truths, so that those who have placed their faith in God may be intent on engaging in good works.  These things are good and beneficial for all people. This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works.  These things are good and profitable unto men.

NET Parallel Greek

Stephanus Textus Receptus

Byzantine Majority Text

Πιστὸς ὁ λόγος· καὶ περὶ τούτων βούλομαι σε διαβεβαιοῦσθαι, ἵνα φροντίζωσιν καλῶν ἔργων προΐστασθαι οἱ πεπιστευκότες θεῷ· ταῦτα ἐστιν καλὰ καὶ ὠφέλιμα τοῖς ἀνθρώποις πιστος ο λογος και περι τουτων βουλομαι σε διαβεβαιουσθαι ινα φροντιζωσιν καλων εργων προιστασθαι οι πεπιστευκοτες τω θεω ταυτα εστιν τα καλα και ωφελιμα τοις ανθρωποις πιστος ο λογος και περι τουτων βουλομαι σε διαβεβαιουσθαι ινα φροντιζωσιν καλων εργων προιστασθαι οι πεπιστευκοτες θεω ταυτα εστιν τα καλα και ωφελιμα τοις ανθρωποις

Romans 3:2 (NET)

Romans 3:2 (KJV)

Actually, there are many advantages.  First of all, the Jews were entrusted with the oracles of God. Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God.

NET Parallel Greek

Stephanus Textus Receptus

Byzantine Majority Text

πολὺ κατὰ πάντα τρόπον. πρῶτον μὲν ὅτι ἐπιστεύθησαν τὰ λόγια τοῦ θεοῦ. πολυ κατα παντα τροπον πρωτον μεν γαρ οτι επιστευθησαν τα λογια του θεου πολυ κατα παντα τροπον πρωτον μεν γαρ οτι επιστευθησαν τα λογια του θεου

Romans 10:5 (NET)

Romans 10:5 (KJV)

For Moses writes about the righteousness that is by the law: “The one who does these things will live by them.” For Moses describeth the righteousness which is of the law, That the man which doeth those things shall live by them.

NET Parallel Greek

Stephanus Textus Receptus

Byzantine Majority Text

Μωϋσῆς γὰρ γράφει  τὴν δικαιοσύνην τὴν ἐκ [τοῦ] νόμου [ὅτι] ὁ ποιήσας |αὐτὰ| ἄνθρωπος ζήσεται ἐν |αὐτοῖς| μωσης γαρ γραφει την δικαιοσυνην την εκ του νομου οτι ο ποιησας αυτα ανθρωπος ζησεται εν αυτοις μωυσης γαρ γραφει την δικαιοσυνην την εκ του νομου οτι ο ποιησας αυτα ανθρωπος ζησεται εν αυτοις

1 Romans 3:1a (NET)

2 John 10:10b (NET)

3 Romans 3:1b (NET)

4 1 Timothy 4:8 (NET)

5 2 Timothy 3:16, 17 (NET)

6 The Stephanus Textus Receptus had the article τω preceding God.  The NET parallel Greek text, NA28 and Byzantine Majority Text did not.

7 The Stephanus Textus Receptus and Byzantine Majority Text had the article τα preceding good.  The NET parallel Greek text and NA28 did not.

8 Titus 3:8 (NET)

9 The NA28, Stephanus Textus Receptus (KJV: because) and Byzantine Majority Text had μὲν γὰρ here, where the NET parallel Greek text had simply μὲν.

10 Romans 3:2 (NET)

11 Romans 9:4, 5 (NET)

12 Romans 3:3 (NET)

14 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 (NET)

15 Romans 10:17a (NKJV)

16 Romans 10:17 (NET)

17 Romans 10:17 (NKJV)

19 Romans 10:5 (NET)

20 Leviticus 18:3-5 (NET)

21 Romans 10:6 (NET)

22 Romans 10:6-8 (NET)

23 Romans 10:17 (NKJV) Table

24 Romans 3:3 (NET)

25 Romans 3:4 (NET) Table

27 Isaiah 1:18 (NKJV) Table

28 Deuteronomy 9:4b (Tanakh)